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All kinds of glass cleaning tips at home can clean all dirty glass in 15 minutes.

Article author: Admin
The glass must be something that every family has, ranging from window glass, bathroom glass mirror, mobile glass door, glass on tea table and glass on dining table, to cup, small mirror, fish tank, etc., so the glass is a necessity for every family. Because it is beautiful and practical, it can be used as decorations and practical products in the family. But many times glass products are dirty. If you haven't taken care of them for a long time, they are easy to get dirty and ugly. Xiaobian has collected several tips for cleaning glass products. Let's have a look.
Mirror cleaning, the mirror in the bathroom is easy to fog, and the mirror in the room is easy to accumulate dust for a long time. What should I do? Learn these tips to ensure that you can see a new mirror every day.
1) first wipe the glass with cloth, then soak it in Baijiu, and wipe it again, so that after the mirror is dried, there will be no water stain and dust.
2) First wipe the glass with a cloth, and then wipe the mirror again and again with vinegar, which can not only play the role of disinfection, but also will not easily accumulate dust and water vapor.
3) Alcohol, alcohol is also a good cleaning tool. After soaking the alcohol with a cloth, wipe the mirror repeatedly, which can not only sterilize and disinfect, but also make the water vapor of the mirror evaporate quickly without leaving water marks.