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What is Tempered Glass used for and what are its pros and cons?

Article author: Admin

Tempered glass is a type of glass that has been treated with heat and chemicals to make it stronger and more durable than regular glass. It is commonly used in furniture, such as tabletops, shelves, and cabinet doors, because it is resistant to breaking and is less likely to shatter if it does break.

One of the main benefits of using tempered glass in furniture is its strength. Tempered glass is about four times stronger than regular glass, which makes it less prone to breaking or shattering under normal use. It is also more resistant to thermal stress, so it can withstand temperature changes without breaking or cracking.

Furniture glass

Another benefit of using tempered glass in furniture is that it is safer than regular glass. If it does break, it will shatter into small, blunt pieces rather than sharp shards, which makes it less likely to cause injury.

There are some downsides to using tempered glass in furniture. One is that it is more expensive than regular glass, so it may increase the cost of the furniture. It is also more difficult to cut and shape than regular glass, so it may require special equipment and techniques to work with.

Overall, tempered glass is a strong and durable material that is well-suited for use in furniture. It offers the benefits of strength, safety, and durability, but it may come at a higher cost and require more specialized techniques to work with.